Pr Justine Nampijja

This ministry was started by the late Pastor Benon Kawaala and his wife May Kawaala in the United States of America, in 2001. After Pr. Ben Kawaala passed away, God encouraged Pastor May Kawaala to continue with the ministry working together with other pastors in the healing outreach branches.

Currently we are looking for land to purchase where a permanent building of a churches are to be constructed and headquarter offices, Primary & High School for children without Parents and Vocational School due to many youth & widows who never finished their studies due to lack of support. : Praying for Water in this Community and Water Plus Hospital In any way you can support, may God bless you. Find our account at the donation part, or please contact us through our coordinator
Pr Alex Namujurilwa +256 704 449830 Airtel
+256774508518 MTN

Pray for all people in this community. Before the pass away of Pr. Kawaala, God called them to continue training ministers, HOMI Discipleship School (HDS), Outreach Evangelism Team, and planting churches in Uganda as well in other countries. The first church was planted in his home in Libiira Village, Buyanga sub county, in the newly created district of Bugweri, formerly Iganga District Praying for church building right now. God has saved many souls. Glory to our God in Lubira Community