Ministry Background and Overview

Healing Outreach Ministries is a Faith-Based Organization and Gospel Ministry that was established in the United States of America by the Late Pr. Benon Kawaala and his Wife Pr. May Gerry Kawaala, for the purpose of preaching the Gospel and Ministering healing to the nations with the love
of Christ.

Healing Outreach Ministries was established for the purpose of fulfilling the great commission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, as written in Matthew 28:18-20 (NKJV) 18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

After starting several churches, preaching and ministering to various congregations in Boston Massachusetts, in 2013, Healing Outreach Ministries started the process of establishing a Local Churches in Uganda, as one of the key focus areas of the Ministry, among others. Currently, there are three local churches operating in Uganda in Lubira, Bugwere District, Maggwa, Buyikwe and Kikuuta under the leadership of Pastor Herbert Mbuga, Pastor Samuel Kibirige and other Pastors working together with them, with plans to continue further expanding the work of the Ministry in the Country.

Healing Outreach Ministries also has weekly online services and daily online prayer meetings open to people from all over the world, including membership from the US, Africa, Asia and Europe. This has had an amazingly great impact on the lives of many people, empowering and ministering to them spiritually, especially even during the Covid-19 period.

Healing Outreach Ministries also has a Television Ministry with Gospel Sermons broadcast weekly on Diaspora TV in the US, as well as, Urban TV and Bukedde TV in Uganda, which have a wide viewership all over the world through Digital Satellite TV and Online, creating platforms for preaching the gospel to the ends of the earth, in accordance with the great commission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and these platforms have had a very great impact, inta-alia, with many getting saved, healed, delivered and set free from various conditions and infirmities.

Healing Outreach Ministries also does prayer counseling on the Ministry hotlines, which are available 24/7 to all people to call in and get someone to talk to and pray with over any situation or circumstance that requires biblical counseling and divine intervention.

Healing Outreach Ministries also has a helps Ministry, working in collaboration with the Benon Kawaala Foundation and Angels of the World Organization (AOW), that focus on helping and reaching out to those in need with the most fundamental basic needs of life, as far as is possible, especially the underprivileged, with special attention to orphans and widows.

Operating the Ministry, with all these different programs and activities running, and more planned for the future as the Ministry continues to grow, requires a substantial amount of funding, which is mainly contributed by well-wishers, friends and partners who donate to the Ministry, for the furtherance of the Gospel of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to continue winning souls for Christ, Ministering divine healing and extending the love of God to a hurting world. In the same spirit of fellowship and stewardship, we equally encourage anyone to join us and become our partner in the Ministry to support the work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.